Morc Fm
First episode aug 26th 2021 - broadcast on a monthly basis
Since the summer of 2021, we're hosting a monthly radio show on camp radio - we're playing music we listen a lot to here at morc hq, with short introductions. you'll hear tracks by morc artists, old favorites, new discoveries and the occasional live-recording or rare version.
listen via camp radio, and head to 'morc fm' or: use the embedded mixcloud-registrations below.
archive: 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021
Since the summer of 2021, we're hosting a monthly radio show on camp radio - we're playing music we listen a lot to here at morc hq, with short introductions. you'll hear tracks by morc artists, old favorites, new discoveries and the occasional live-recording or rare version.
listen via camp radio, and head to 'morc fm' or: use the embedded mixcloud-registrations below.
archive: 2024 - 2023 - 2022 - 2021
Morcfm episode 44 - december 12th 2024
We start and end this episode by looking back on the fabulous Edgar Wappenhalter lp presentation from last month. Steve (and Yumi) started the show with a Green Ribbons cover, and ended with a Dead Moon cover. so we thought it was fitting to play the originals to start and end this episode. one more reference to the show: Tarwater. we explain why in the show. (Silur = total classic)
but really, the show consists mostly of new songs. 'supergroups' Demeters Dötrrar and Tremble with joy debuted this year. Warm Currency, Reymour and Pefkin all did new releases recently. and we fill out with some other inhouse favorites (Heta Bilaletdin, Pekko Kappi and Cheater Slicks at their most scorching). to top it of: we recently re-discovered the Boduf Songs VPRO-session from 2009, and totally forgot about this Pink Floyd cover. it's excellent, and you probably haven't heard it yet. that was it for 2024. episode 45 in january.
Morcfm episode 43 - november 14th 2024
not sure how we crammed all of this in one episode: 16 tracks, including two outtakes from a morc-release, two 'field recordings' of music heard in the wild (at the utrecht city library (pictured), an advertisement for the upcoming burger servicer + edgar wappenhalter show (nov 30th!), and some non-morc-releases by members of the morc family (lowered, iditarod, delphine dora). topping it off with old favorites (mick turner, aerial m, snowpony) and new releases (jordan deal, geneviève beaulieu and mystic tide). a high quality episode, really.
Morcfm episode 42 - october 17th 2024
No big news, just big sounds, and lots of new ones. you'll hear new songs by Amatorski who surprised us with an excellent cd, the Blod-spin-off Stenhjarta and hurdy-gurdy on tape by Lise Barkas and Tomo. quite a bit of slow pop music this time: Burger Service, Anna Domino, De River, Milk Toast. because that's what we listen to. And a small selection of old lofi we either know hardly anything about (Paint) or quite a bit (Sentridoh). also: an epic folkrocker by Fairport convention. all in all: a bit all over the place, but quite accesible? a show to re-listen to when you have relatives coming over, i'd say.
Morcfm episode 41 - september 19th 2024
in a few weeks, we're putting out a new edgar wappenhalter lp. so we met up with him at the legendary café monopole in ghent, to record the first half of this episode. steve went through his legendary record collection, selecting tracks we'd never pick. some are great (hugo raspoet! folkcorn!), some reminded us of recent bonnie prince billy (wim de craene, no joke), but elly and rikkert will forever make us wonder why people enjoy this. anyway: steve has some interesting things to say about adapting folk songs to the 21st century, and about slow loading google searches.
in the second half, mostly new songs, by artists we think steve likes as well, and actually are not that dissimilar to what wappenhalter is doing. After all: how could a man with his taste not like Lau Nau or Country teasers?
Morcfm episode 40 - august 22nd 2024
another summer episode. we picked a couple of favorites, but picked a few demos to keep it fresh for your ears: The Apartments, Sebadoh, fugazi: you never heard them on morcfm before. and it's a perfect bridge to an edgar wappenhalter demo: 'Vogel rok diamant' is on his upcoming album, and already debuted here a few episodes ago - but here you'll hear the demo version with some totally different lyrics, that might make flemish people smile. anyway: 'exclusive', untill we put out the 20th anniversary deluxe gatefold edition of the album. also: recent material by ao dengie hundred, ekin fil and optic sink. a golden oldie by roy 'fucking' orbison. and we tell why nocturnal projections is good for a 'first time experience' as a recordcollector. good episode, really!
Morcfm episode 39 - july 25th 2024
summertime. less talking than usual, because you're partying outside, no? so: a bit of a 'louder' episode, though we'll serve enough downer vibes too. i'm playing quite a few longtime favorites that for some reason never appeared on morc fm yet (third eye foundation, lambchop, the rats, dinosaur jr: scott & charlene's wedding: no idea why i didn't play these before?) , but quite a few new (for us) releases as well: kroppsännedom, Thanasis Zlatanos, Sarah Mary Chadwick: we never heard their work until about a month ago. and quit e few releases from the past 12 months too. so, play this episode on speakers, and loud.
Morcfm episode 38 - june 27th 2024
a very special episode: we have guest-host! annelies monseré just put out a new solo album on the mighty horn of plenty records. she's telling a bit about this, and selected a bunch of favorites. you might have guessed she's really into eg fabulous diamonds and broadcast, but there are a few surprising choices, even for me. and to top it off: she's breaking the word about an upcoming morc-release: there's a track-premiere from the upcoming edgar wappenhalter lp.
Morcfm episode 37 - may 30th 2024
my favorite kind of episode: we have two track premières, and one exclusive live recording. we start of the episode with the opening track of the upcoming linus vandewolken lp 'oude geuze uit niemandaal'. you heard it here first. and right after that: the last song from annelies' upcoming new solo lp, out later this month. her best album thusfar? as for the livetrack: we found back an excellent karina esp live-recording from 2012. i think those were chris' last shows using that name? you'll recognize a track from his 'detachment' cd, that's also on the recent morc-sampler (the studio version, that is). (pictured: the only live pic i have of karina esp, taken during soundcheck at incubate festival 2011)
also found back: a tape by Vase which we didn't remember we had. good! further: we're pretty late in picking up albums by juicy eureka and aymeric de tapol. we mention a few words about albini (slint/dark arts). and a shoutout to The Ex for introducing us to 'the house carpenter' back in the 90's - we're playing the oldest known version of that song. old/new, it's all here. you won't be hearing us in june. Annelies Monseré will take over the presentation of morc episode 38. i'm just as curious about her selection as you are.
Morcfm episode 36 - may 2nd 2024
two episodes in may! this one has us grabbing what's on top of our stereo. so: quite a few recent releases (pan american, tara clerkin trio, pierre bastien, arv & miljö), some stuff we picked up recent-ish (laure boer, emil amos, f ingers and ogonjok, after 25 years!). we also find another excuse to play favorites like iditarod and htrk. also: we're in our annual Townes van Zandt phase. not sure why we kept him out of morcfm thusfar?
also: no special announcements, so less talking than usual.
Morcfm episode 35 - april 4th 2024
an episode with a few premieres, those are my favorite ones! as mentioned in the last episode, there'll be a morc-evening at De koer on april 24th - we're playing a soccer Committee-cover by The Puddle Parade to remind you. AND. everyone attending the show will get a free labelsampler (cd or download, whatever you prefer). you'll hear an exclusive track by Pefkin, and by Guy Trunte (members of de Portables and Luster!) that appear on this sampler. more details about the sampler here later, ok?
anyway: so we're celebrating by only playing tracks from various samplers: labelsamplers, scenesamplers, festivalsamplers, fanzine samplers... looking at the selection, i noticed that most of my favorite samplers are from the turn of the century, which is not surprising: since downloading/streaming became a thing in the 2000's the sampler-as-introduction kind of lost its use, for the most part. we'll kick of with my favorite track from my favorite sampler (Jessica Bailiff on the mighty important Kranky Kompilation), but the rest is very well worth hearing too. you'll hear some artists that we've played before (1m54, Bingo trappers, swearing at motorists), a few well known names (Gories, Khanate), and some rarities you most probably haven't yet, unless you're involved with one of these releases (Moon monkey, Cheree Jetton, Betty blood trio). and: put on your dancing shoes for the benjamin franklin classic. also: more than welcome on april 24th at De Koer.
Namaakkanttekeningen - march 22nd 2024
good times! our friends at De Kant invited us over for their bi-weekly radio show on Villa Bota. the first hour, we played tracks fro ma lot of morc-releases, and some non-morc-tracks from members of the family, old and new. we're also talking about the upcoming labelnight at De Koer, and play a track from an upcoming compilation. world premiere of this amazing Pefkin-song!
in the second hour, we move on to some favorites here at morc hq. some of those will sound familiar to regular listeners of morcfm, and we made sure to throw in an upbeat section. warning: banter is in dutch. recorded in a professional studio, so i was impressed by all those buttons. you can hear me start a track a wrong speed several times, and skipping through cds. it's all good. morc-family
Morc FM episode 34 - march 7th 2024
Quite a two-faced episode. we start with plenty of short songs: pop/electronic, lofi and a short punk section. 11 songs in the first half an hour, and then we play some loooong tracks. looking back at the tracklist: mostly names that i've know in some way or another since the early days of morc (ex-iditarod'ers fern knight & matt everett, gang wizard/minmae bandmember celesteville, possum moods feat jen turell, denis locar) and acts that i only got to know in the past few years (burger service, eyes of the amaryllis, haevner, kentataku yutataku, berlinde deman). and as usual: some favorites you probably already know (buck biloxi, carla dal forno, negative approach)
Morc FM episode 33 - februari 8th 2024
so, since the last episode, 'murder of maria marten' was stuck in my head. so: we're playing another version of this traditional - this time in the version of Ela Stiles. more music from the other side of the globe: we heard the great news that discreet music is reissuing a lovely midget album that we havent heard yet. so we start off this episode we a track from her flawless untitled 10". what a treat. New releases? yes: roy montgomery, ann eysermans and miradasvacas. we'll also tell you about the recent bonnie prince billy trip we've been on, and beg you for tickets to go and see cranes and the ex: marked in our calendars, but sold out before we realized it. huh.
Cosmofonia #52 - january 21st 2024
the kind people of the portuguese radioshow cosmofonia (on radar lisboa) dedicated a one hour special to morc records. i got to pick one hour of morc-related music. i picked songs from various morc-releases, but also songs by morc-artists from non-morc releases. you'll even hear a collab by delphine dora and roxane métayer, recorded during a show they did together last year, and an unreleased by ex-de portables and morc-regular Wio. it was a lot of fun to put together, and quite an honour.
so, technically not an episode of morcfm, but hey: since i got to pick which songs were played in this readioshow, thought i'd include it here on the morcfm-page anyway!
Morc FM episode 32 - january 11th 2024
during the christmas holiday, i first had to work, and then was a away for a few days (hi Amsterdam!), so almost forgot to put this episode together. surprising or not: we're playing quite a few long tracks in this month's episode, which we try to counter by starting with two very short songs by an artists you've heard here before, and no doubt will hear again. Also: Dengie Hundred is making a fast return on the morc-airwaves, just a few episodes ago we played another brand new track from this recent favorite. and one other new release that we're playing: a track by |grens|, who just released an album on the house of confidence that is Vrystaete. and: a few well known names (Meg Baird, Shirley Collings), Circaea might not ring a bell, but know that members are ao Ecka Mordecai and Andrew Chalk. Robert Pitcher on the other hand is a total enigma - cant find anything apart from this one compilation track, but would love to hear more.